Living My True Authentic Life ~ Robin Dukes' Story

Living My True Authentic Life ~ Robin Dukes' Story

I’m a 61-year-old woman and realize I was still living on “hold” waiting for something to change. I was not going forward or backward just on pause. What was I waiting for? I’m not sure if something or someone will come in and rescue me from my life. I had this image of what I thought I wanted but I wasn’t getting there any time soon. I wasn’t in physical pain but heartsick pain. I wanted a partner to share my life with. That sounds simple but in today’s world, that is harder than it sounds. I had a lot of girlfriends who had husbands or were single and were looking for the next husband or BF with whom they could fall in love and live happily ever after. I was one of them for years. I wanted a man to sweep me off my feet and take me away to a castle on the hill or at least a nice house in the country.

Underneath The Silence ~ Gwen Harris's Story

Underneath The Silence ~ Gwen Harris's Story

The hardest moments in life often come without warning, catching us in a whirlwind of emotions that leave us feeling lost and broken. My bravest moment unfolded in the quiet of my own home, a place once filled with laughter and love. It was the day I had to make an unimaginable decision: to report my own son to Child Protective Services (CPS) and file a police report against him for child abuse.