Create Signature Page - Members Only

Here are a few guidelines: 1. Graphics should be the Facebook Cover size - A rectangle 1640 x 924 2. The top graphic should be few words with the main image in the center where the thumbnail will pull from. 3. Short Descriptions are best! Under 1500 Characters.
This section is for our files!
This is the part on the top of your listing. You can change it once a month to reflect your most recent offer or new exciting product.
This is the main picture people will see on your listing before clicking on it to get more details. Clean simple graphics work the best to get attention.
This part is what people will see right under the picture. Make it catchy!
Everyone loves a discount. Make sure you put in a coupon code if they need it or any other relevant information. IE - FAVE members get an extra 10% off with code "FAVE" at checkout.
Give us all the details! Let people know who what when where why about your main offer!
How do people take advantage of your offer? Is it a link? A phone number?
Completing Your Listing: This section will remain unchanged. #2 Spot: We recommend About You: #3 Spot: Testimonials and Free Downloads #4 Spot - Additional Services: You can highlight other services you provide
Details to support the graphic above.
How can people find out more/What action should they take?
Details to support the graphic above.
How can people find out more/What action should they take?
How can people find out more/What action should they take?