EP 43: Creating Curiosity in Your Business with Sales Maven Nikki Rausch
EP 43: Creating Curiosity in Your Business with Sales Maven Nikki Rausch
I'm super excited to chat with Nikki Rausch, the brains behind The Sales Maven Society in this episode. We talked about how to create curiosity in your business, and how her Sales Maven Society has grown into a supportive community, which has been a huge part of her business success. It was a fun an
EP 42: Intentional Connections
EP 42: Intentional Connections
What if you looked at all of your marketing as relationship-building? What if we looked at our social media as an experiment? Because it really is. And what if it could all be a little bit more fun and a whole lot easier? Believe me, it can. Jump right into this episode and hear me share three idea
EP 41: The Art of Cultivating Community for Success with Stephanie Bonte-Lebair
EP 41: The Art of Cultivating Community for Success with Stephanie Bonte-Lebair
“I've just always built upon that idea [that] anything I want to do by myself, I can probably do with someone else and it will have a bigger impact on the world.” - Stephanie Bonte-Lebair Singer, entrepreneur, and founder of Empowered Business Networking, Stephanie’s journey is all about mixing her
EP 40: Equipping Young Women Through Networking and Community Building with RaeAnn Hall
EP 40: Equipping Young Women Through Networking and Community Building with RaeAnn Hall
I'm so excited to talk to RaeAnn Hall in this episode. She is a beautiful soul who founded this incredible non-profit networking group, NOW Networking, but it's not your run-of-the-mill networking stuff. It is a professional organization where women help each other succeed in business while also mak
EP 39: Four Things to Stop Doing
EP 39: Four Things to Stop Doing
Growing your engagement and creating community are the two main goals of this podcast. So in this episode, I’m talking about four things to stop doing right now to grow your engagement and community. You will not only boost your engagement, but you will also have a chance to nurture relationships, f
EP 38: How Mari Wuellner is Building Community Authentically and Transparently
EP 38: How Mari Wuellner is Building Community Authentically and Transparently
Welcome back to another episode of the Ignite Your Champions podcast, where we talk about building business by creating connection and community. I’m so excited to be chatting with my first-ever guest on the podcast, Mari Wuellner, about the power of building community and staying true to yourself i
EP 37: Doing It Imperfectly
EP 37: Doing It Imperfectly
Hey there, listeners. I haven't been here on the podcast in a bit…for all sorts of reasons. But I am so excited to be back. And I'm ready to do things imperfectly. In preparing to get into the swing of things, I made a few exciting changes which I will be telling you about in this episode. Honestly
EP 36: More Engagement Tips
EP 36: More Engagement Tips
I am so glad you are back to hear about ten things that you could be doing to increase your engagement.  This is part 2, so if you didn't listen to 1 through 5, I would invite you to go back and do that by following this link: https://traffic.libsyn.com/champions/Ep35-TopEngagementTips.mp3 Don’t w
EP 35: Top Engagement Tips
EP 35: Top Engagement Tips
It's been a minute, but on this show, I talk about building your business by creating connection and community online and off. I firmly believe that by consistently doing so, you'll experience more ease and happiness in your marketing endeavors. And who doesn't want more of that? Anyway, I’m talki
EP 34: Creating Curiosity
EP 34: Creating Curiosity
It's been a weird few weeks trying to heal my voice, which has meant that I haven't been as consistent, but here I am still helping you build your business by creating connection and community online and off. I often talk about creating curiosity, and in this episode, I just wanted to clear the air
EP 33: My Story
EP 33: My Story
In this episode, I’m sharing a little more about myself and why I do what I do. You see, I started my first social media company about 13 years ago. Like many other new businesses, before I knew it, I started hustling. I was going to all the networking events, scheduling lots of coffee meetings wit
EP 32: Answering Your Questions Part 2
EP 32: Answering Your Questions Part 2
I’m back answering more of your questions. I answered 3 of them in the previous episode, and I have 5 more in this one. Where do I even begin? If I can only do one post where and what. ( I love this because so many people I know have this question.) What is building community? What do you say to th
EP 31: Answering Your Questions Part 1
EP 31: Answering Your Questions Part 1
I asked on social media what questions people had that I could cover in my podcast, and I got some really great responses. So I thought I would answer some of them in an episode or two because you too might have some of the same questions. In this episode I respond to the following questions; “Do
EP 30: Social Media Sabotage
EP 30: Social Media Sabotage
Are you sabotaging your social media success? Buckle up! This going to be a fun one. _______ Before we start, can you do me a quick favor and share this podcast with a friend? Sharing is caring._______ I see you running (or trying to run) a successful business, but could you accidentally be doing
EP 29: Done is Better Than Perfect
EP 29: Done is Better Than Perfect
If you’ve been listening to this podcast for the last month, you may have noticed – I mean, how could you not – that something is going on with my voice. I do have an answer – it’s a paralyzed vocal chord and unfortunately, it’s going to be like this for a while. It would totally be the perfect reas
EP 28: The Connection Between Social Media and Google
EP 28: The Connection Between Social Media and Google
In this episode, I’m talking about the connection between Social Media and Google and why it matters. Just to be clear, this is not about what you should or shouldn't do, even though that might come out a bit in what I share. People say so many times when discussing their business and social media
EP 27: Lowest Common Denominator Marketing
EP 27: Lowest Common Denominator Marketing
You might have noticed that in the podcast introduction, I often talk about how I see so many of you working way too hard. That’s what today’s episode is about; something I lovingly call “Lowest Common Denominator” marketing and how it's not always the best strategy for building connections and comm
EP 26: The Decline of Facebook?
EP 26: The Decline of Facebook?
Before we dig in, I wanna share afree resource with you. The Champions Community. This a community on Facebook where I share daily prompts and regular trainings to help you with your marketing efforts – and you might find a new friend or two in the process. Just search “Champions Community on Facebo
EP 25: Commenting Creates Community
EP 25: Commenting Creates Community
--I get it. It's so much easier to scroll and ‘Like.’ But, ‘Like’ never started a conversation, or continued one - or had any impact on building community. Marketing is about creating that two-way communication that helps build relationships. Commenting is a baby step to building community. Does it
EP 24: Is Your Social Media Working?
EP 24: Is Your Social Media Working?
Is your social media working for you? How do you even know - especially when you’re posting in all the places? The best place to start is by checking to see if your social media isn’t working because there are a lot better cues for being able to measure that. I gave 3 very obvious ones in this epis
EP 23: Gathering and Sharing Stories
EP 23: Gathering and Sharing Stories
If you have been in business for any length of time, you have heard, likely ad nauseam, how important stories are for your business. And I agree 100%. You only have to spend a few minutes searching for resources on Story and you’ll find thousands and thousands of resources for formulas, story brand
EP 22: Ask Your Champions to Share Your Content
EP 22: Ask Your Champions to Share Your Content
Have you ever had a call with someone or you're at a networking event and somebody says, how can I help you in your business right now, and you say, “Uh…duh?” Well, now you're gonna have an answer to that question. What about all the people I hear sharing their frustration with social media and dec
EP 21: Social Media in 30 Minutes per Day
EP 21: Social Media in 30 Minutes per Day
In this episode, I give you some practical steps to make your time the most effective and efficient by engaging on social media for 30 minutes a day. Now, I know some of you are already thinking that's impossible. I promise you it is not impossible. You absolutely can. It does take a little bit of e
EP 20: Are You Getting Should On?
EP 20: Are You Getting Should On?
I mention in my podcast intro that I'm not going to ‘should’ on you, but I know that a lot of other people — experts and social media gurus— have ‘should’ on you in all sorts of ways. And so I wanna talk about that in this episode. A question that comes up all the time, whether I'm speaking to peop