44. Faith & Work: You Can Have More
44. Faith & Work: You Can Have More
Why did you decide to walk down the entrepreneur road?Tired of having a boss?Desiring a better work-life-balance?Craving flexibility during the day?Whatever the reason for starting your own business, today we will be digging into the life of Rahab and how her “job” wasn’t a normal one. But God can s
43. Faith & Work: Driven by the Lord with Traci Bakenhaster
43. Faith & Work: Driven by the Lord with Traci Bakenhaster
Would you like to feel empowered as a homeschooling parent in equipping your kids for adulthood?In today’s episode, I have Traci Bakenhaster on to share about how God led her to put her business plan into action for homeschooling families. You’ll hear her God-given passion for this niche and why she
42. Faith & Work: Elevating Customer Service
42. Faith & Work: Elevating Customer Service
Growing the skill of customer service is a topic many articles and books have been written on. It’s essential to know how to handle your customers, in order to get returning customers and also new ones via word of mouth. Today we are going to check out what the Bible has to say about the importance
41. Faith & Work: A Purposeful Design with JR Rennie
41. Faith & Work: A Purposeful Design with JR Rennie
Today we are chatting about discovering your unique God-given purpose. So you can grow into exactly who you were created to be. My guest, John 'JR' Rennie, shares today about his assessment-based business and how it teaches you to understand how God created you and helps you understand where you fit
40. Faith & Work: Christ Centered Success
40. Faith & Work: Christ Centered Success
It is essential that you renounce the lies of the enemy and follow God’s truth and expectations for you as a Christian entrepreneur. You must learn to operate with His wisdom and power, to then enjoy godly success. The Parable of the Good Samaritan is where we are headed today, found in the book of
39. Faith & Work: The Christian Business Alliance with Rob Brown
39. Faith & Work: The Christian Business Alliance with Rob Brown
Even when you don’t see it, God has your best interest in heart. That is the message Rob Brown shares with us, who specializes in connecting faith and business and in teaching on servant leadership. Rob says never in a million years would he have thought his calling would involve marketplace ministr
38. Faith & Work: Effective Business Alignment
38. Faith & Work: Effective Business Alignment
Are you frustrated with your dreams not becoming your reality? Check out today’s episode as we journey through some of the book of Genesis, to help restore hope!In order to move forward with change, we must know the definition of sin, which keeps us bound. God expects us to follow His commands, whic
37. Faith & Work: Reaching New Heights with Lauren Hostleter
37. Faith & Work: Reaching New Heights with Lauren Hostleter
Today full time nurse Lauren Hostleter joins the podcast to share her passion for the healing gift of God’s creation. She loves to empower women by taking them backpacking, where she believes people are impacted profoundly by time in nature. In this episode, we chat about: Lauren’s backpacking busin
36. Faith & Work: The Power of Gratitude with Trisha Mounce
36. Faith & Work: The Power of Gratitude with Trisha Mounce
We are chatting about true gratitude towards the Lord today. My guest Trisha Mounce has quite the journey to share with us about miracles the Lord has done in life even in the midst of crisis. And one of those miracles is learning the importance of appreciation and being intentional with thoughts. T
35. Faith & Work: Powerful Elements of Success
35. Faith & Work: Powerful Elements of Success
Today we are taking a deep dive into the book of Matthew, to contrast the Lord’s plan for you and your business and what the world would have you do instead. We will be defining what “treasures in heaven” are by exploring two short but powerful parables found in Matthew chapter 13. You’ll also learn
34. Faith & Work: Healthy Leadership with Heather Jamison
34. Faith & Work: Healthy Leadership with Heather Jamison
Today author and Christian health coach Heather Jamison joins us on the podcast. Her speciality is helping women break free from self loathing, emotional eating, disordered eating and chronic dieting. In our conversation today, we dive into the importance of prioritizing wellness as a parent, the wo
33. Faith & Work: Embracing Freedom by Working Smarter
33. Faith & Work: Embracing Freedom by Working Smarter
When we are under pressure at home or work, we tend to focus on what we think is most urgent. This can be different than what is important in the eyes of the Lord though.But when our priorities are as He would set them, we can work smarter instead of harder!The Sermon on the Mount found in Matthew i
32. Faith & Work: Powerful Pivots with Jen Weaver
32. Faith & Work: Powerful Pivots with Jen Weaver
Pivots aren’t a bad thing. It’s okay to change your mind, even your career plans.Today you’ll hear from Jen Weaver who is known for sharing vulnerable stories and practical biblical truth in approachable ways. Jen is a bible teacher, author, and podcaster who loves to help others have daily conversa
31. Faith & Work: Problem Solving Tools that Work
31. Faith & Work: Problem Solving Tools that Work
I’m curious, how is your business doing right now?Is everything running smoothly?Is there dissatisfaction with clients or customers?Is miscommunication happening?Problem solving skills are essential when running a business. Praise God He left us a business manual to open! As always, today we are hea
30. Faith & Work: Mission Statements that Impact
30. Faith & Work: Mission Statements that Impact
When was the last time you reviewed your business mission statement? Is it still in alignment with your values? How are you doing in living out your mission statement? Matthew 28 is where we are headed this episode, to learn what mission statements have to do with Easter!If the Lord has called you t
29. Faith & Work: Accelerating God-Sized Visions
29. Faith & Work: Accelerating God-Sized Visions
Today’s podcast topic is DREAMS, you know the kind, BIG GOD SIZED DREAMS. Listen in as we explore four characters in the Bible and their experience with different big dreams, given to them personally by the Lord. You’ll learn practical ways to identity the dreams and desires God wants to give you an
28. Faith & Work: Vision Momentum with Dr. Myron Jamerson
28. Faith & Work: Vision Momentum with Dr. Myron Jamerson
Dr. Myron Jamerson is a preacher, devotional author, former military and the founder of Rock City Church. Tune into today to hear his testimony of God confirming to him it was time to write a book, start a Bible study and then uproot his family and move. Myron’s life purpose is “to preach and teach
27. Faith & Work: Boldly Stepping into Success
27. Faith & Work: Boldly Stepping into Success
Today we will be studying the courageous life of Deborah, found in the book of Judges. She was a wife, prophetess and judge. Fun fact: she was the only female judge mentioned in the Bible!This story of Deborah relates to you in many ways. You have a battle at work, just as Deborah needed the Lord to
26. Faith & Work: Slaying the Giant!
26. Faith & Work: Slaying the Giant!
As a Christian business owner, do you struggle with fear? Fear of not having enough hours in the day?Fear of not making a profit or getting clients?Fear of the impact of success on your personal life?Fear of not having enough business skills or experience?But you have been called by the Lord to be a
25. Faith & Work: Unchained By Fear with David Guerreso
25. Faith & Work: Unchained By Fear with David Guerreso
David Guerreso joins us today to share about all things trusting God as the CEO of your business and author of your life story. David is skilled in bringing the Lord into business and you will glean incredible insights from this conversation! As you’ll hear, there are many lies that can hinder a fai
24. Faith & Work: The Power of Christ-Centered Connections
24. Faith & Work: The Power of Christ-Centered Connections
Have you ever struggled to communicate with others what you are doing throughout your days as a faith-based business owner? Thank the Lord we have access to learn from the greatest communicator of all, Jesus Himself! He was greatly skilled in using parables to connect with His audience and today we
23. Faith & Work: Rise & Align with Andrea Anderson
23. Faith & Work: Rise & Align with Andrea Anderson
Today's guest, Andrea Anderson, shares her story of not trusting the Lord with her business and how she now can spot these signs in herself (and clients). In today's episode, you’ll also learn why we sometimes step out of alignment with God’s calling on our lives and most importantly, how to get bac
22. Faith & Work: Navigating the Tides Successfully
22. Faith & Work: Navigating the Tides Successfully
Do you think the life of Jonah the prophet can help us in the daily operations of our businesses? Most definitely it can! You have this wonderful, all-knowing, all-powerful CEO who will always be there for you. He is your safe place when the tides of business attempt to bring you under. May this epi
21. Faith & Work: Impact is Not Related to Numbers
21. Faith & Work: Impact is Not Related to Numbers
Do you ever feel insecure about your business and the impact it is making? Do you feel as if since you don’t have a large social media following or a big stage to speak on, that what you do doesn’t matter? Today we are studying the life of Lydia in the Bible, a lesser known Bible character who was a